Winter Blues Got You Feeling Isolated?

Here is a little passage from the article I wrote for Dean Somerset back in 2016. For 5 tips on how to best handle those winter blues, go read the rest of the article HERE.

“I don’t know what my deal is. The last week or so I’ve just been so exhausted and….blah. Did I also mention that I hate the cold?”

A little background on the client. Let’s call her Sally.

Sally and I met over the summer. She is a 24-year-old nurse and is highly energetic. She loves hiking, is always early to our sessions, and is always optimistic. In the last couple of weeks, she has been a completely different individual. Sally had missed several in-person sessions, lacked confidence, didn’t want to leave the house, preferred laying around, and her food cravings had led to weight gain. The interesting part is that there appears to be no stress taking place in either her personal or work life.

Yet, a couple of things quickly stood out.

Throughout the session, she mentioned her hate for the winter months and her overall sense of depression made me think that her sudden mood change was related to the change in season…


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