Full-Body Circuit Workout: Your “No More Guesswork” Guide
Ever get to the gym and feel overwhelmed by the number of people there or you are unsure what to do so you simply wing it? Well, keep this workout saved on your phone the next time that happens.

Change Starts With You: Here Are 6 Steps To Creating Change
Many of us make decisions based on experiences. When it comes to eating, we make decisions based on what we are most familiar with & most comfortable with. When we are unfamiliar with a particular task, we become uncomfortable & resort to the easiest decision. If we are unfamiliar with exercise & join a gym, we resort to hopping on the cardio equipment & performing the monotonous task many days in a row. We then get bored because that is all we are comfortable with performing.

The Importance of Small Decisions
For many, we do not see the importance of small decisions. We do not look at the bigger picture to see all of those small decisions joined as one.
This is exactly what small decisions built upon one another create. When all of those small decisions are all small unhealthy decisions, a plague of bad decisions is created. All of those decisions, good or bad, create a ripple effect and each begins to build on one another. What we do not realize is that one small decision we make each day has a greater impact on our future than we think.

12 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Personal Trainer
Two cups of black coffee later, I continued to sit. Still waiting for a client that never showed.
The situation had me thinking about why some clients receive better results than others. Though there are many factors as to why, today we will look more specifically at the personal trainer-to-client relationship. What you, the client, have to remember is that you are in this for the long haul. This isn’t just about a 16, 24, or even a 52+ week program with a personal trainer. This is the journey to shape who you are and how you feel about yourself.

4 Tips to Help You Stay Fit & Healthy While on Vacation
Vacation. It is a time for many to relax and have fun after countless hours of sitting at a desk and dealing with the day-to-day stresses of work. While on vacation, it is almost inevitable for many to see an increase in weight in the ranges of 3 to even 10+ pounds during this short period. What many do not recognize is that this new weight is not the addition of adipose tissue (fat) but instead due to an increase in water retention. Instead of raising that white flag in defeat after all of your hard work, my recommendation is to get right back on track, and within a week or two, you’ll be back to normal. Whatever it is that you do, don’t go regretting your vacation because you feel like you lost all of your progress. You won’t! With that being said, here are 4 tips to stay fit & healthy while on vacation.

5 Diet Tips No Matter What Diet You Are Doing
Here are 5 diet tips to help you succeed no matter which diet you choose. Understand that whichever diet you select, you will see results so long as it is a diet that you can sustain. To preface, I am not telling you which diet to do or not do, nor am I shunning any one diet. Such diets might consist of Keto, Atkins, Paleo, Intermittent Fasting (IF), Calories In Calories Out (CICO), South Beach, Mediterranean, Weight Watchers (WW), Vegan, Vegetarian, Whole30, etc.